
Naszymi partnerami są szkoły, organizacje społeczne, misje i zgromadzenia zakonne w Afryce, Azji i Ameryce Łacińskiej. Warunki przyjęcia ich do GoodNetwork są następujące:


chęć realizacji wspólnych projektów edukacyjnych w formule Rozmawiasz – Pomagasz,


dostęp do Internetu, umożliwiający realizację wspólnych lekcji online,


weryfikacja formalna i organizacyjna (próbne lekcje online),


działalność na rzecz uczniów i środowisk dotkniętych ubóstwem, wymagających wsparcia / pomocy,


wyznaczenie koordynatora bądź wolontariuszy władających językiem angielskim i/lub hiszpańskim do realizacji wspólnych projektów edukacyjnych, ich stała dostępność online,


akceptacja i przestrzeganie regulaminu sieci GoodNetwork dla partnerów,


przeznaczenie otrzymanej pomocy zgodnie z deklarowanym przeznaczeniem.

Dorothy Akende – House of Hilkiah Foundation, Nigeria

Talk & Help project is a wonderful opportunity for exchange program between Nigeria and Poland, the students have opportunity to know about the culture and history of both countries and it has spark a wonderful friendship among the students.

Monica Wanjiru, Entito Africa

Funds received from GoodNetwork have kept our university students in school. We have also initiated the process of electricity connection in JoyYard Academy.
Feedback from Pupils/Students in program:
Miriam (Olkeri school): I love learning about the polish people and their culture which is different from ours but very beautiful. Also their national flag has simple colours that would not be difficult to remember.

Eric (Joy Yard): I never had the desire to learn about the western culture but now I am very interested. When I grow up I will be a pilots that I can travel to many countries and learn about different people
Teacher Mary (Olkeri school):
The online lessons have boosted the curiosity of my students. They are more active and inquisitive which is really good for their learning. We need more online lessons to learn about Poland as we teach them who we really are.

Teacher Elisheba: At first I was apprehensive about the online lessons but sharing our school life and educational process in our school with the Polish teachers has sparked an interest in me to learn their methods of teaching so I can apply that in my classes.

Emily Makokha – Motherway Educational Centre, Nairobi

The program is thrilling always keeping it light and fun. It has been a great experience. Lessons were engaging, useful, inspiring. The manner of teaching is so wonderful and refreshing! Hearing what other people are doing ay their countries inspires us to bring new techniques to our work. Financial benefit has boosted our work by buying students stationaries and equipping sports department. Talk&Help was an opportunity to meet amazing team of professionals who have passion and dedication beyond words.

Charles Juma – Outering Schools, Nairobi

Joining GoodNetwork Talk and Help programs helped the school get funding for infrastructural development that was not going to possible without the funds from the partner schools in the programs from Poland.
We thank GoodNetwork management for organizing the Talk and Help for us without which would not have had piped water in our school today . This is one of the biggest benefits we have received though the Talk and help programs.
The pupils/students liked the online activities. Majority who were shy to use technology in learning were able to get used to the sessions. Created exposer to them to learn new cultures and living habits in Poland. Created avenues for the teachers to use digital learning devices as prescribed by Kenya’s competency Based curriculum and created another refreshing avenues of learning ways from normal class lessons.
We really thank the schools involved from Poland which took part in the Talk and Help Program.

David Matinde – Mathare Light Centre, Nairobi

Students are happy because this allow greater interaction and feedback between the two partner. Talk&Help program improve the students communication skills .
It has help learners to explore and know more about their fellow students. Engaging learners in online lesson has improve learners self esteem and this has even made it very easier for learners to be always active in class during the normal lesson,because they alway want to express themselve freely without fear.
The cooperation with GoodNetwork had been very great. We have been able to learn more from each other moreso during the meeting.
The program has help us to develop our institution through the money that we alway receive from parners school.
We have been able to acquire more skills and ways of managing our institution.

Namakula Eroln – Edea Uganda

Talk&Help program is an opportunity to build skills and capacity for these children in school to facilitate development and improved livelihoods.

Also, this will be a great contribution to the Country’s welfare and its citizens (the Youth).
Our students are unable to stay in school because they cannot afford school fees to complete the school term. Therefore, they require financial assistance to be able to fulfil the requirements and necessities to attain an education. They look forward to greatly benefiting from this opportunity with GoodNetwork.

Yaqoob Sadiq – Joy Foundation, Pakistan

Joy Foundation started collaboration with GoodNetwork Poland in their project Talk & Help in 2018. In which we organize lessons with different schools in Poland from time to time. Through this our children are very much happy. They talk with children from other parts of the world and also through this way they learn English from each other and also about different topics.
Through this project Joy Foundation and our school have great financial support for our school and other projects. Till now our children have free books and uniforms through this project. We install Solar system as there is no electricity and also have a water system for the children in school. We also support families in the village for the solar system somehow so their children can study at night with the light. During the COVID-19 GoodNetwork and his partner schools support our communities for the food packages as during these days they did not have work because of the lockdown.

Carmen Tapia, Fundación de Mujeres Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana

La Fundación de Mujeres Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana, hace un cordial saludo a la Fundación GoodNetwork, al mismo tiempo agradece y expone su experiencia entre las dos partes, durante dos años que hemos estado con el proyecto educativo con escuelitas del Ecuador como son la parte de la Amazonia y Sierra conjuntamente con escuelas de Polonia; donde se ha compartido experiencias beneficiosas con los Centros Educativos, sus vivencias y costumbres, y que gracias a los esfuerzos mutuos se ha venido apoyando a los centros educativos con un granito de arena en sus necesidades que ayuda a mejorar su calidad de educación. Experiencia que nos ha dado a continuar buscando alianzas para seguir firmes en este proyecto motivador.

Charles Ouma

Charles Ouma, Ramunde Twaweza Based Organisation

Talk&Help is a special project that creates unity in diversity. The project gives children and teenagers opportunity to showcase their various cultures to their friends across the globe. In so doing they get informed, educated and entertained. During online meetings, the participants sing, dance and explain concepts and ideas around their environment. Discussions about how community, National and Religious celebrations are done form part of the topics during the meetings. The meetings help our village girls improve their self esteem and communication skills. Those who are gifted with talents, feel happy participating because this is a platform to show what they know and can do. In Ramunde Village, Talk and Help project is assisting us empower girls through education and vocational skills. Already a tailoring project has been initiated through the support received from Talk and Help project. Any support donated to Ramunde twaweza community based education will always translate to hygiene pack for girls, education and purchase of a tool for work to expand the vocational training. Talk and help project is A TIE THAT BINDS, we are happy and thankful.

Charles Ouma

Enitha Shallykeen Mahinya, Ntonzo Secondary School, Tanzania

Talk & Help project has been a great opportunity for us that has awakened our students to want to learn more about how their peers from Poland learn/study, live, and learn the way of life of young people. Good Network has also given our teenagers the opportunity to get educational support so that they can be educated and bring development in our communities and the nation at large. Good Network gave us chance to build up new skills and capacities by running different lessons on leadership which has helped us to become good leaders and therefore develop our institution. We are very thankful.

Przedstawiamy wybranych partnerów GoodNetwork

Outering School w dzielnicy slumsów Mathare, Nairobi

Motherway Educational Centre w dzielnicy slumsów Mathare, Nairobi

Mathare Light Centre w dzielnicy slumsów Mathare, Nairobi

Społeczność mniejszości chrześcijańskiej w Toba Tek Singh w Pakistanie, reprezentowana przez Joy Foundation

Entito Africa

Ramunde Twaweza Based Organisation

Edea Uganda

House of Hilkiah Foundation, Nigeria

St. Anthony Children’s Home, Kenia

Fundacion de Mujeres Indigenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana, Ekwador

Donna Hill Educational Centre w dzielnicy slumsów Dandora, Nairobi


St. Thomas Aquinas Kithuene, Kenia